Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), the only technological university in Estonia, is the flagship of Estonian engineering and technology education. TalTech Department of Geology, which embodies mining engineering, basic and applied geology, has long traditions of close cooperation with Estonian raw material sector. Developing novel information solutions for geoscience research, geoengineering CO2 capture or addressing the challenges of social licensing – our goal is to provide innovatively sustainable solution for future mineral resource exploration and mining in the Baltic Sea region.

The Department of Geology at the Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Tartu University, provides modern geology education and promotes Earth Science in Estonia. The geological disciplines have been taught at the University of Tartu since 1802. The department has a long history of research in several disciplines including palaeontology, stratigraphy, quaternary geology and geomorphology, sedimentology, geochemistry, geophysics, hydrology and impact geology and other fields. The Department’s research is supported by modern laboratories and high competences in fundamental and applied geology. The Department’s personnel are involved in a number of international and national cooperation projects and are enhancing competences in the field of Earth resources.

The Geological Survey of Estonia was re-born as a national authority under the administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications on the 1st January 2018. Fifty passionate professionals are now joining forces with scientists, authorities and industry in order to awake the employment of geological opportunities that were collected during the periods 1937-1940 and 1957-1997. An enormous amount of geological knowledge is now being reinforced and modernised with state-of-the-art methods and techniques. Through wide cooperation with international experts GSE aims to support the most efficient usage of Estonian Land Resources in the light of the EU Green Deal.

Nordic Publishing Sweden AB is a leading Nordic advisory firm focused on strategic communication in the mining and recycling industries.
- Provides strategic long-term or short-term project management targeting mineral and associated industries.
- Orchestrates events like semi-annual conferences on Mining and Minerals and Circular Materials Conference.