North Eastern Europe in a global risk contex
Mining Journal Intelligence World Risk Report
Head of Research & Intelligence, Aspermont Limited

EIT Raw Materials Alliance
Managing Director, EIT RawMaterials Baltic Sea AB

Global Sourcing of Minerals for the Battery Revolution
Director, Penurco Oy
Dr. Pekka A. Nurmi (Ph.D., University of Helsinki) has over 35 years of experience in the minerals sector. He has been in different director and chief scientist positions at the Geological Survey of Finland, and as an Adjunct Professor in economic geology at the University of Helsinki. Pekka’s experience include economic geology, mineral exploration, sustainable mining and mineral policy mainly in Finland and the Fennoscandian Shield.

Heading towards a renewed look at Estonian phosphorite and black shale resources
Senior Geologist at Geological Survey of Estonia
Lauri Joosu has PhD in Geology from University of Tartu and holds Eurgeol title. He acts as technical lead of phosphorite and black shale exploration project. Previously he has been working with different sedimentary deposits. Lauri has 5+ years of experience in exploration geology.

Director, Geological Survey of Estonia
Devoted to R&D of Biomining with a demonstrated history of working in the oil shale and biotechnology industries and as a Country Manager in international group. Skilled in Business Planning, Innovation Management, Biotechnology, Mergers & Acquisitions, and Start-ups. Strong entrepreneurship professional with a Dipl Eng and M.Sc. focused in Environmental Chemistry from Tallinna Tehnikaülikool / Tallinn University of Technology.

National research programme ResTA targeting vanadium potential of Tremadocian black shales in Estonia
Head of Mineral Resources and Applied Geology
TalTech Department of Geology
Rutt’s main interests are currently connected with metallogeny and sedimentology of black shales. Her other research directions involve diverse problems of geochemistry, mineralogy and genesis of fine-grained sedimentary and volcanic complexes. During the last decade she has been engaged in several international projects devoted to geological information systems and digital educational resources. Rutt has received her PhD in geology from the University of Tartu. Besides research activities, she is study programme director for Georesources at TalTech.

Annual Mining Survey – Mineral Potential and Exploration Opportunities in Eastern Europe
A Fraser Institute Resident Fellow and holder of the Dr. Michael A. Walker Chair in Economic Freedom
Fred McMahon has an M.A. in Economics from McGill University. Mr. McMahon manages the Economic Freedom of the World Project and coordinates the Economic Freedom Network, an international alliance of over 100 think tank partners in about 100 nations and territories. His research focuses on global issues such as development, trade, governance and economic structure.

Cobalt resources in North Eastern Europe
CEO of Aurora Exploration Ltd and Professor of Practice of Economic Geology at University of Helsinki
Petri Peltonen teaches geology of ore deposit, mineral economics and mineral exploration methods. He has studied in University of Turku and University of Toronto and holds MSc and PhD of Economic Geology. He has 30+ years experience in ore deposit studies and mining, and has published more than 60 papers in international journals. Before founding Aurora Exploration Ltd, Petri spent 10 years in international mining companies as Chief Geologist, Managing Director and Vice President Exploration.

Critical Raw Materials and Additive Manufacturing: An opportunity for Producers
Professor Curtin University, Perth Western Australia/Tallinn University of Technology
Dr. Hitch’s research interests centre on the mine of the future. This notion challenges one to consider not only the traditional aspects of mine design, extraction and closure but also aspects of greenhouse gas emissions and the social implications of mine operation. Dr. Hitch’s research considers operational efficiencies through the lens of sustainability and appropriate extraction that seeks to provide a platform for local prosperity and sustainable livelihoods. His focus continues to be on the development of ‘human-scale’ mining operations that can improve the biophysical integrity, economic sufficiency and the social wellbeing of the environments within which we operate.

PhD (Quaternary Cover and Applied Geology), Head of Office, Professor of Geology and Mineralogy.
Department of Geology, University of Tartu.

CERA project: a universal standard for ethics, sustainability and environmental impact
CERA certification will ensure a consistent standard of environmental, social and economic impact throughout the entire raw materials value chain
Currently, at least 40 different certification schemes exist for mining activity alone, increasingly exponentially when considering the entire value chain, with some certificates specific to a single geography, process or humanitarian concern, and others to a single mineral. Existing certification processes are complex, expensive and inconsistent, resulting in a porous and diffuse approach to how sustainability and ethics are defined from country to country, mineral to mineral, and company to company. The CERA certification programme has solved this global industry-wide issue with the development of a new universal standard, providing an affordable and consistent evaluation of environmental, social and economic sustainability along the entire raw materials value chain.
Business developer at LTU – Luleå Unviersity of Technology Business AB and specialize in commercialization
Niklas has Master of Science in Business from the study at Umeå School of Business and Mannheim Business School, and have in recent years worked as a Management Consultant in Stockholm and globally.

Business developer LTU Business
Lisa Ek will be leading us through the conference as our moderator. She is a strategy and innovation expert, working at LTU Business in Luleå with projects across Europe. During the last years her main focus has been the business development of mining innovations and new business models within the raw material sector. Lisa has the exciting task of making the two days both efficient and enjoyable!