Geological Survey of Estonia; Tallinn University of Technology – Department of Geology and University of Tartu – Department of Geology; in cooperation with Nordic Publishing are proud to invite you to “CRITICAL RAW MATERIALS POTENTIAL IN NORTH EASTERN EUROPE – FUTURE MINE AND MINERALS CONFERENCE” on April 27-28 2021 at Swisshôtel in Tallinn, Estonia.
Raw materials are increasingly important when the EU move towards climate smart technology. In order to reach the goals within Agenda 2030, the Paris agreement and the European Green Deal – striving to be the first climate-neutral continent- we need climate smart technology such as electric cars, wind turbines and solar power. This technology requires metals and minerals we have not previously used or mined much of- Critical Raw Materials. EU are dependent on imports of Critical Raw Materials today, however the demand is increasing, and supply is uncertain.
Critical Raw Materials in phosphate deposits, and associated black shales is dedicated to the assessment of economic potential of igneous and sedimentary phosphate deposits and their host black shales especially regarding Critical Raw Materials. These deposits could signifcantly contribute to a secure sustainable access to a large proportion of Europe’s requirement for some critical Raw Materials.
The conference objective is to forecast and assess North Eastern Europe’s Critical Raw Materials Potential and develop an updated knowledge base based on existing and newly acquired minerals data and defne the state-of-the-art with regards these elements and minerals.
“CRITICAL RAW MATERIALS POTENTIAL IN NORTH EASTERN EUROPE – Future Mine and Minerals” is an international mining and exploration conference – a physical platform for networking and sharing of the latest business intelligence and opportunities, trends, politics and hands-on insights from the mining and exploration sector.
The conference will bring together representatives from Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Germany and countries associated with mineral exploration and mining, including companies, industry associations, politicians, regulators, public servants, experts and service and equipment suppliers. High-level representatives from the European Commission, embassies and NGOs will also attend the conference.

“Focusing on, scientifc, industrial and commercial advances on Critical Raw Materials, the event will feature keynote speeches, seminars, site visits and solutions exhibition, as well as debate, face-to-face meetings and networking.”
- European Green Deal and the need for Critical Raw Materials
- Mineral polices, regulation, taxation
- Critical Raw Materials potential for North Eastern Europe
- Exploration methods for Critical Raw Materials: classical and new approaches
- Phosphorite and REE
- Sustainable Management of Phosphorus in North Eastern Europe
- Sustainable Management of the use of traditional and Critical Raw Materials
- Circular Ecosystem of Critical Raw Materials
- Social License to operate
- Financing new CRM projects
- Creating an Attractive Investment Climate
- The Investors Approach to CRM
- Battery Minerals / Metals
- New areas of interest for CRM, including energy and transportation sector
- Strategic Minerals

The conference will explore how North Eastern Europe’s Critical Raw Materials Potential can contribute to the global transition towards climate smart technologies.
“The European Green Deal sets new targets and a new way of thinking for industry, but also for Universities and research institutes. Changes into more sustainable and greener future are largely based on availability of High-tech minerals, and on the ways how we mine and process them, including metal‘s recycling” says Professor Kalle Kirsimäe, Head of the Department of Geology, University of Tartu.
“Due to sectors’ significant impact on economy and environment, all the mining activities need to be developed and managed with continuous approval of the local community. Given social licence to operate must be valid throughout the life cycle of the mine”, says Director Sirli Sipp Kulli at Geological Survey of Estonia.
“Effective resource utilisation is critical in modern societies particularly where mining opportunities are limited. As we work with the Circular Economy model, most of our nations’ mineral endowment can supply several industrial purposes. Beyond the principal material of interest, what was once considered waste becomes valuable by- or co-product feeding into non-traditional consumption sectors reducing waste amd increasing its contribution to an ever-evolving world” says Professor Michael Hitch, Director at the Institute of Geology, Tallinn University of Technology.

Head of Department of Geology University of Tartu


Director Institute of Geology Tallinn University of Technology